Monday, February 10, 2025
Assistance, repatriation, interrupted stay, cancellation… Whether for your stay or the season, be well covered with Snowrisk!
An accident can cost you dearly
Mountain rescue is not free and is the responsibility of the injured person. Available when you order on our website when you order or at the ticket offices, Snowrisk provides you with all the insurance and assistance guarantees necessary for practicing snow sports in complete peace of mind. This insurance covers all search and rescue costs as well as medical repatriation. Depending on the insurance options taken out, you benefit from the cancellation of your stay (subscription before the stay) the insurance will reimburse you for your ski lift pass paid in advance. In the event of interruption of stay due to accident, illness (with hospitalization), the insurance will reimburse your lift pass pro rata temporis for the days not used.
Up to 15 consecutive days.
Cancellation insurance: €0.50 / day / person, available only for online purchase starting from 2 days
Rescue insurance: €3.50 / day / person, available for online purchase (5-hour and 1-day packages) and at ticket counters
For 8 days and more: single price of 28€.
59€ / person for the whole season, covers the interruption of sport or leisure, and rescue/repatriation costs.
Assurensport, the multi-sport insurance that covers you during your mountain bike/bikepark outings, with a daily or seasonal rate.
Like in winter, mountain rescue is not free and can be expensive for the injured. Available when you order on our website when you order or at the ticket offices, Assurensport provides you with all the insurance and assistance guarantees necessary for practicing summer sports with complete peace of mind. This insurance covers all assistance costs, medical costs, interruption of stay and even the damaging of equipment. In the event of interruption of stay due to accident, illness (with hospitalization) or early return, the insurance will reimburse your lift pass pro rata temporis for the days not used.
Up to 8 consecutive days.
4.00€ / day / person (available for internet purchase and ski pass desk)
59.00€ / person for the whole season, covers the interruption of sport or leisure, and rescue/repatriation costs.
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1431, route de Vonnes
74390 Châtel FRANCE